Meet me

My name is Fran­cis­co Javier, although every­body knows me as Javi. Since I was a child I am pas­sion­ate about com­put­ers and any tech­no­log­i­cal device. The first day that I code I knew that I want­ed to con­tin­ue pro­gram­ing for the rest of my life; if my biggest hob­by becomes my job it will be a dream come true.

How­ev­er, my rela­tion­ship with face-to-face train­ing was not as good as I would liked; at one point in my life, I dropped out of school and start­ed study­ing on my own what real­ly excit­ed me: com­put­er sci­ence, and more specif­i­cal­ly pro­gram­ming and man­age­ment of GNU/Linux oper­at­ing sys­tems. This was a blip in my pro­fes­sion­al career, but also made me a self-taught per­son who quick­ly finds a solu­tion to the prob­lems that may come dur­ing the devel­op­ment of projects or set­ting up a new ser­vice on servers.

After leav­ing school I was work­ing on sev­er­al jobs, not relat­ed to com­put­ers, in order to get mon­ey… but I did not see myself work­ing on any of them for my whole life. Hav­ing assumed that, I went back to study­ing, per­form­ing all the inter­me­di­ate nec­es­sary steps to achieve the real goal: get the Mul­ti-plat­form Appli­ca­tions Devel­op­ment High­er Nation­al Diplo­ma (EQF lev­el 5), it means being able to jus­ti­fy in my CV that I real­ly know what I know with­out need­ing some­one to trust my word.