
My first steps on the inter­net start­ed around the year 2000. At the begin­ning I did the same things as every­one: dis­cov­er what the inter­net means, join chats to meet peo­ple, spend some time in the miss­ing MSN Mes­sen­ger, and so on. I start­ed to take inter­net more seri­ous­ly around 2003; togeth­er with some friends we start­ed some projects, which for one rea­son or anoth­er nev­er became a suc­cess… per­haps the lack of expe­ri­ence and youth of all the part­ners had some­thing to do. It was at the end of 2004 when I decid­ed to have my own web­site. At that time I did not know any­thing about web pages, but despite that, I cre­at­ed my first weblog. It was host­ed until May 2007 on the servers of Geanos­trum, one of those projects I men­tioned before, which was not a suc­cess but allowed me to learn many things (I installed and con­fig­ured my first net­work ser­vices: email serv­er, jab­ber serv­er, IRC serv­er, stream­ing radio servers, I pro­grammed my first bots, I met the C lan­guage…) and all of this on one of my home com­put­ers. Cur­rent­ly that weblog is not in use for per­son­al rea­sons, although an expan­sion of that weblog can be found in a sub­di­rec­to­ry with­in this same page, that is host­ed on a VPS that I per­son­al­ly man­age.